RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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Elevation comes from within!

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Free Flow


just different

Views: 736

I hear God's call from within to push this pen, and let my words flow! 

What lies beneath this intricate shell of my imagination, that gives off positive vibrations 

Intricate like...Miles Davis solo masterpieces 

Intricate like...QTip unique voice when it releases 

Intricate like...a Jill Scott vocal rift that shifts and increases as she hits every note! 

Damn...let me clear my throat Dj Kool! 

Don't make me act a fool, as I'm currently riding this vibe of poetry...

Come go with me 

Come flow with me 

Come grow with me 

You know its me...

RonnieL who compose these words to thee...

MASSES who feel this sh**!

My brain on lit, in a zone not as war, but peace, as I increase free flow verbiage so clear, it beats on millions of drums...

Ear that is! 

Square Biz! As my girl Teena Maria would say, I'm creating nothing but dopeness 

I could go on all day with this free flow word play...

Flowing on an on like vintage hip hop songs, when lyrical content was a driving factor 

Present time we have these fake mush mouth rap actors, creating bull**** one liners 

Desiigner come to mind...


Yeah...that was a little unkind, but this is my free flow 

My piece 

My release, as words poppin into mind faster than hot gun shells droppin on Chicago streets 

I'm tired of creating this free flow word masterpiece, therefore I'll just...


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after vision says:

my poet, you lifted me and took my mind on a journey back into some great times

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DubbleDhee says:

Nice flow. Loved the references to Miles, Jill, Teena and others.

RonnieL says:

@after vision...we all have to journey back to good memories and feelings at times. Thx for the read.

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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Dope! A lot of gems here, my favorite was "fake mush mouth rap actors" LOL

RonnieL says: thanks for the read. Sad commentary for many rap artist, no lyrical content. had to expose it!

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Coalhouse says:

Yo that's hot love the incorporation of artist in this joint

RonnieL says:

@Coalhouse My man! No doubt

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RonnieL says:

@DubbleDhee thanks for the kind words and the read. Much love

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Contest Winner  

alexiscoon4135 says:

The flow of this poem is so sick!!! I love it!

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RonnieL says:

@alexiscoon4135....thank you so much for the read. Sometime my mind is just like you stated...Sick!

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