DubbleDhee | Poetry Vibe
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No Justice for Freddie Gray



Views: 286

Baltimore charges were dropped
Freddie Gray justice was stopped
No help from police
Wheels were greased
Corruption existed from bottom to top

Cops took Gray for a “rough ride”
The trip ended in homicide
Here’s the cops line
He broke his own spine
Clearly someone has just lied

Baltimore case was a big mess
Prosecuting cops is a tough test
Cross the Blue Line
They’ll have your behind
May get a bullet in your chest

Mosby went against the grain
Results predictable and plain
Judge in cahoots
With men in blue suits
System left her out in the rain

Marilyn is pursuing reforms
The process needs new norms
Every police case
Should be heard in federal space
Helps avoid a big local storm

Mosby needs a lot of support
She took a real beating in court
Nothing will change
Till we step out of our range
Otherwise we keep coming up short

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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Real Talk! The feeling of sick and tired of being sick and tired gets old - fast. In the spectrum of disbelief/frustration/anger/acceptance/apathy/revolution (imagine emojis from green smiling to red angry faces) most of us are red, pissed, and powerless...

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