Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Let it Go!



Views: 347

So this it? You'd rather hold onto your demons
Than to let them go and work on us?

You'd rather have our little girl suffer the agony of divorce
Because you have gone off course
You have screamed until your voice got hoarse
You choose to push love away Not show affection
Not show love or adoration for the most precious prize in our lives
You choose to place ignorance supreme!

How you can be that selfish is beyond me!
Willing to let go of our daughter and myself
Because you don't want bad emotions to surface and face them to abolish them so you can grow and become an even better person than the person I met, but whom you so woefully digressed from?!

We are not worth it?
Divorce is better than saving something you have FULL control over?

So this is it! Its over... I can say or do nothing to make you happy because you don't want to be happy
You want to prove by self fulfilled prophecy
That at some point in your life
Every one "abandons you?

Well, you were right... no one will put up with every day misery
If the marital history is not even an obvious mystery

You have a lethargic spirit
A dead soul
A heavy heart
And now your burdens will fall upon us
We will now suffer unnecessary hurt, pain and vexation of soul
To let US go but NOT your demons!

Eric Musse A.K.A. SkTzO

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