Blessme520 | Poetry Vibe
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unjustifiable homocide



Views: 434


"Unjustifiable Homicide"


Not again, 2 black men killed by the hands of a white cop.

When will these atrocities  stop?

Looking at the video Alton Sterling never had a chance,

He was tackled to the ground is what I saw at a glance.

Tackled to the ground without the use of his hands.

Yet out rang shots causing the death of an innocent man.


Sitting in his car being cooperative and still;

How can you justify the shooting/the death of Philando Castile?

A cop who lacked training but authorized to use a gun;

His actions purely shows the wrong choice/solution  was chosen.


Let's add the hanging of man black man found in the park.

The work of cowards done in the dark.

Racism prodding all around,

Wearing uniforms only symbolic of Jim Crow.


There'll be no singing, we shall overcome...

Not this time when cops their actions remains relentlessly dumb.

It's not rocket science that black lives/all lives do really matter.

But what we're seeing does not render " justifiable homocide" it's now just straight up murder.

No longer will we subdue anger nor live in fear

Expecting protection which ultimately causes the life of someone dear


It's time for a revolution a need for change.

An end has to come to this new way of lynching.

Too many innocent lives are affected.

Too many times RIP being coined thereafter.


How many more senseless, modern day lynches will be done?

Have we not reached adequate statistics involving cops who kill black folks with guns.

Black people shot down, killed young, old, male and female.

No longer is it safe to even be in jail.


All this killing is more than just disturbing.

Its signal for violence which is what violence brings.

Are we turning back the hands of time?

Now rehearsing a horrid history, when there's a need for a paradigm shift.


A justice system that's so unjust.

How can we not protest, when you're continue killing us.

It's starting to happen now, an eye for eye.

The trajectory of a bullet can be set to choose who'll die.


Political and economic rhetoric is not a desired solution.

But having dogmatic insistence that change will be seen in action.

It time to stop the killings, unmask the perpetrators.

No longer can we allow you to continue with murder.


There's a need for change, a revolution.

It has to be in order to arrive at a better, no the right solutions.

No change, no peace, no justice, no peace.

Fairness, justice and equality is the foundation of what we seek.










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love_supreme says:

The last line of these poem seals it. Excellent write.

LP45 says:

This is an great write blessme520, Thank you for sharing it.

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