jtj1982 | Poetry Vibe
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I'm Hold*En On To...



Views: 372





Whenever I am lonely, I'm Hold*En on to our joyful memories to keep me company.

  When I am weakened by circumstances, I'm Hold*En on to you for strength.

When my windows to the soul are full with glistening tears, I'm Hold*En on to the times you made me laugh.

When my travels take me away from you. I'm Hold*En on to the remembrance of the places we were most happy.

When the day comes that brings me untold sorrow, I'm Hold*En on to you for comfort.

When my body aches for your touch, I'm Hold*En on to the passion you created within my soul when you touched my skin.

When life happens, I'm Hold*En on to everything that our love represents. Companionship, Strength, Laughter, Happiness, Memories, Comfort and Passion.

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love_supreme says:

I feel the love in this one. Excellent write.

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after vision says:

my poet, words said covered my all. Thank you for the display of love here

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