Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Time of the End



Views: 426

Out of my lips
Never is spewed wasteful garbage and rubbage
To speak inarticulate fictional theories
In today’s world is completely expected & redundant
And although free energy and truth flows all around us
Because it is completely abundant
People fear to know facts and the truth
Because they only think of justice & judgment
I am angered at all political pawns
As they are to me, viewed as demonic incumbents
I hear them speak to us all their vile lies
And I see them as disgusting and repugnant
They have no truth or love for us
Because they are filled with spiritual imbalance and psychologically maladjusted
And today’s economic worries are only the obvious resultant

My mind has become flustered, angered and fumed
And thus my mind has erupted
Seeing how man seeks the ways and things of others because everything is coveted
Look at how mainstream media
Has gotten nightly news so well constructed
It’s like time was taken to passively lie to us blatantly
Yes, even our news is orchestrated & well conducted
My spirit has become a cold object and for a while it was rusted
But I subjugated my temperament
I wiped the rust off and then I rubbed it and took it to dust it

Look around sincerely
And you will see how “The People” are exhausted so they will revolt quickly
Either, try to be one with your savior
Or as a thief he will come swiftly

My thoughts about this world
Are not totally indifferent
I go back to my basics
In which my words
Will tear open your mental tissue like an astringent!

With my various selves I have learned
To coexist and be totally coefficient
And I work hard with God
And make sure with His Law I am adherent
For although my character has its flaws
As I am human with more than a bit of deficient
I will walk on water one day
And the next, I'll nearly drown for my faith fluctuates intermittent

I know that with God dwelling in my heart
I honestly have no real limit
And through my anger towards the world for its choice of foolishness
I still choose to be real and not spit some images of a gimmick
For if I ever fall so low that I almost spew out a profane lyric
I hope and pray to the father by the power of His spirit
That He will quickly intervene and instantly prohibit
Highly articulate even when I speak explicit
For I remain here as a, being existent
Filled with tenacity and hunger along with being persistent
I await these last days prophecies to arise in their fulfillment

But there are still conditions that have yet to be finished
And He can not end it all with His organized plan being unfinished

Yes, I am insistent
That the world itself has become one big child like delinquent
And so I choose to remain wise in Gods hands because ONLY God is Omniscient
Forget talking about gentrification, your vocal tone or your pigment
When fire burns andrefines you to become white as snow
All color is instantly diminished!

I have prayed fervently a long time now
For my ability to speak abruptly was always ghastly petitioned
But it took many years for God to cleanse me of my weaknesses
For my childhood screwed up my path and made me incorrectly mentally conditioned

And although my state of being
Is nothing as that which I always envisioned
I’ll fly like the eagle in the heavens
Even though at one point in my life, my spirit had stiffened
For too many years I looked around and nothing but wicked images depicted
But God told me to use it and build upon it and then He had me grammatically gifted
Instantly, I felt my spirit had been exponentially lifted
He then made sure to have my words “Only have light to be emitted”!
And though very difficult as a human
To remain consistent and committed
For it is quite simple
To have our dreams and Gods vision tinted
He told me to warn of a soon coming global nuclear warfare
That which on national television was recently hinted
The majority * if you're not wealthy * are part of the political end logistic
And if you are not ‘enlisted’

Than in the eyes of 'MK-ULTRA & Black Water, your name has already been listed
The world is as it is because our fear has allowed it to be permitted
Running from truth will only get you ghostly winded
We must let God work in us to bend time and have it twisted

I MUST speak blatant and obvious
Not necessarily always hieroglyphic or cryptic
Because I must also tell the world
That of my sins I have been forgiven & acquitted

Although guilt of past sins
Sometimes torture me and have me afflicted
In Gods mind those sins don’t come across his mind
For in HIS book, they were never reprinted

So I speak to the obvious righteous ones
But more focus is on the ungodly and wicked
Don’t utilize your artistry for ONLY funds
When you can be fully Godly artistic

That was just a methodically spiritually placed lyric
For I am not some hypothetical or whimsical mystic
God speaks through me prolifically thus my words are metaphysical
Precisely mathematically explicit and scientific
For I am a part of the lineage
Of a divine order & kingship
As my thoughts are engraved with the divine crest
And my spirit remains constantly rhythmic
I don’t take medication because God is my version of medicine holistic

The present future is not unrealistic
If you speak (un)committed
Then you are not truly humanistic

These last days will force millions to become cannibalistic
Forget the ego and just let go of being so chauvinistic
Your reality is not physically scientific
The reality of this 3rd dimension is beyond what seems to be naturalistic

God is trying to warn us by means of all methods
Because God is being truly opportunistic
And through me and many others
Is trying to safeguard you all
Of the coming plagues that are no longer far ahead futuristic!


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