SoulofSeven | Poetry Vibe
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the very essence of this word has only been known by few who use our human development we long for our socially constructed Idea of love ...we look to the universe to place that certain someone that will fulfill us in ways the pursuit of what we think is loves truth we will even discard our self worth or what we have come to understand of it........many think that the very pains that one faces in their journey for love is what it is about, arguments,doubts, settlement for less,abuse ,mental,physical,emotional,this is what we call being in love....and the level of ignorance shows in the faces of many who in their moments alone question their actions ,......consider this ,i see love as the highest form of understanding between two beings ,i see it in the way that a positive and negative principle is needed to power anything in life ,two aspects that without the other is unable to manifest Their fullest capacity..or level of and woman are those components but I’ve come to understand that the proper level of interaction (love) is unable to manifest unless the two have the ability to supply their themselves....which allows one to have that level of understanding toward the growth and development of their partner ...i think that the problem is that our idea of love is only truth to those in that undeveloped state ....mentally, spiritually,emotionally they are unable to express that half needed fully which is why the power that should be created ends up being chaos and we accept this due to our lack of understanding ....i think that individuals need to understand and love self first in order to give their best to another ........?one may ask how do i do this? do i love myself when no one seems to love me? How do i become confident when all ive been told is what i cant do ? I dont look like i want to? Im not where i wanna be in life!,,,these are things that crowd our minds making it hard To wanna understand and love who we are ,realize this though everything that we allow to get us down is on the outside ,we use all exterior things to measure our internal level of worth or happiness ,,smh,,know that everything starts in your mind and there is where your answer is ,you have to change the way you think in relation to things which will inturn change your whole perspective on life, you deserve what ever you want,,you just have to see yourself having it and you will ,,once you begin to build youself up from the inside out you grow a love for youself moreso for the triumph over the former you ,which will bring that understanding of who you are and what you have to give ,so you can give your all to one who deserves it is LEARNING TO OVERCOME THAT VUNERABLE EMPTINESS.......that void that is only filled by that power created by two fully developed souls once truly found it produces Further expressions of that union ,,..this is why the depiction of it so enchanting that we long for it...i read in this article that a slave walked across 4 states in search of his long lost wife...this man took the risk of being killed or worse ,in order to find his other half ,what do you think was his drive? What do you think was on his mind?'today we confuse love with lust or social pleasure and tell anyone who provides us with a certain feeling that we love them,,unable to mentally concieve the depths of true love ,a man and woman in love bring the best out of one another ...a man is the light and a woman reflefts ,she heals his wounds that life brings and he protects her fragile essence within his leadership, No one is more important both are vital, in our time the worth of a black woman has become her body and what she can do with it, not her mind and the fact that she descends from queens ,and a blackman is no more Than how much money he has ,how much women what he is willing to do to keep that,.not a king not his mind,we sit at an undeveloped state and wish for something as developed as true love we cant even begin to Understand what that means ...i think that untill we really get a grasp on Who we are we will never be able to fully give ourselves it will only be the bundle of references ,ideals and norms of society that we will express and i guess some people are ok with that ,as for me this understanding came through study, understanding myself helps me gain A perspective on how others think ,we are each on our own path but beleive there are fudumental laws that cross all of them i think that my only hope would be that we all are given the chance to look deep within our selves and answer some real questions so that way we can truly experience what our life has to offer

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

poems by this commentor


after vision says:

my poet, love is the drive - that drives deep into the soul

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