after vision | Poetry Vibe
after vision
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she didn't know



Views: 649

i knew her to be

only a friend to me

so when i searched for love

it was her that i did not see


likewise she cofided in me

with the security of her hearts woes

she found comfort in my shoulder

and the way that my spirit flows


i told her my heart and pains

how i needed love to want and need me

how i was ready to recieve love

how i wished love could be


she told me how she was looking for the same

someone to love her and change her last name


she listened as i listened to her

can't believe she listened and still didn't know

she just might be my heaven

the sunshine that gives my love - premission to flow


that she is the one that my hearts compass points to time and time again

she is where my love starts and my search ends

she is love - looking for love

she is my silent love and my best friend


after vision aka charles garner

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Blessme520 says:

Enjoyable read! A feel good read...

Dubbledhee says:

Beautiful storytelling! Love always seems to find you once you stop looking for it.

RonnieL says:

Impressive work of expressions shown and put in words. Really liked this piece.

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after vision says:

thanks Blessed, Dubbledhee, and Ronnie L for such kind words and leaving proof that you stopped by

douknowmagic says:

This was amazing new to this site but so far you and the other artist here have impressed me. Thanks for sharing your art.
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lovelylady1 says:

Beautiful my king! a secret of the heart!

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after vision says:

thanks lovely lady for reading and feeling my ink

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after vision says:

thanks do you know for the read and the reach

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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Dope flow, my poet!

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