kleotrapah | Poetry Vibe
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letting my guard down.



Views: 1069

It happened without me really knowing,

almost like my brain wasn't able to catch up

with my heart and soul,

almost like it was perfectly unplanned and unattended,

so unexpectedly beautiful.

It was so perfect how it happened it would make the strongest of souls

fall to there knees and cry with the last of the love they had,

with the last of who they were.


How all this settled out to be left my mind in a blur of unknowing,

questioning everything I thought I believed in,

everything I thought was true.

Everything that I thought made sense was now a question to be held,

questions that I still can't fathom to begin to answer.

But what I do is for certain about all of this,

one thing I know makes so much sense---

that the love I have for you will never fade,

will never ever go away no matter what I try to do,

no matter what you try to do.

you are the light in my life,

the glow that keeps me going.

You are and will always be meant for me and I to you.

You are what most want to be to me,

be the only love in my life,

you are my reason,my future.

You are the reason I let my guard down.

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after vision says:

my poet, love knocks down doors and walls. sometimes when we love we love without vision. sometimes love just wins

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