QueenJ | Poetry Vibe
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Internet Love Isn't Real Love !



Views: 423
This man that I meet from the internet I was trying just to have a simple conversations. But he end up being apart of me. I don't know him nor he know me, never meet him but do I really want him? Scared to let that so called internet love see me because of self confidence. What if I'm not his type? What if I'm to fat for him? What if I'm to ugly? Just keep on thinking all these nonesence questions? Does he love me? If he did why would he want me to do those things? Those things that make me feel so disgusting! What if I tell him I hate doing those thing he enjoy doing. I do those things just cause it make him happy but I'm not. I was just searching for love, A love that no ones ever showed or gave me. Someone that care and love me for who I am. But maybe just maybe I finded from the wrong person. I want to let him go so bad! But what if I never find love again? Well from my experience all I can say its Internet Love Isn't Real Love!

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after vision says:

my poet, having a hard time saying yes to the title. I believe that love is first formed in the heart reguardless of distance. follow your heart and give it a chance to explore the what if

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