after vision | Poetry Vibe
after vision
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Views: 536

what if your deeds

came back to you

what if you were forced to feel

what you put me through


what if my pain

slid beneath your skin

would you still be asking me

if we can still be friends


what if your words

took on the sound of my voice

and i ended it with

"you give me no other choice"


what if your deeds

became your faith

could you handle the sh!t

that you put on others plate


charles garner aka after vision

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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

That's profound, dope!

DubbleDhee says:

Deep sentiments. Always helps to see another's pain when viewing it through their eyes. Walk a mile in their shoes. Thx for sharing!

mrmelody7 says:

You know those truisms are sometimes so true your deeds good or bad will always follow you nice write
Contest Winner  

lovelylady1 says:

ouch! thought provoking my king!

love_supreme says:

This is a powerful what if. Excellent write.

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Elvan says:

A very awakening piece. It make you ponder the what if of a relationship. Peace

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