Arguments, no one wins,
Feelings brused,
Words thrown like rocks,
Pelt her, tears fall,
Walk away and pray,
In the dog house again,
Past problems unearthed,
But we keep digging,
She's so stubborn, I'm always at fault,
Its never the major things,
Just the smallest of straws that tip the scale,
We could make bricks with all our mud,
To rebuild our foundation,
But we can't get past our pride,
To work together,
So we point out flaws, and wonder what if...
We could start over,
If we had more money,
We just keep quiet and do nothing instead,
Guilty of being honest at the wrong time,
Love is pain, routine, fantastic, boring, healing, and toxic in one word,
A war of words where someone has to win and the other must lose,
I don't want to win and lose you.