Fm110comphodent | Poetry Vibe
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My Rule Infliction DSGB



Views: 300

U are eager to fit in Dwight,

 A pre-planned abortion that tripped the light,

Walking up to you pound for pound,

Ask us out for upward bound,

Coming back and forth a lot the schooly D system,

But told in the back your loyalty is infant,

The thirst of our blood is handled with money,

An anaconda in the way things seem funny,

My friendly advice to opportunities back,

Step in my rule and  you gonna feel cracked,

Is it my bad or your fault u wanted to B,

So close to the master in his time of need,

It’s a shame they know how grave u are,

But its nice to see your young geto star.

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after vision says:

my poet, that is a rough time during the time of decision whether to let it go or love it for life

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