WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Life, death and dreams



Views: 412
Sickness is temporary, Death is permanent and scary, Even believe in the afterlife, With no guarantee to see friends, family, my daughter & wife, Try not to think twice of the reasons why, We're so fortunate and blessed - me and mine, Born in the right place and time, Purpose, place, passion, and grace, Motivated and educated me to quest for this great dream chase, Still humbled when I stumble, Sometimes foundations crack and plans crumble, But thereafter disaster can be fixed with faith, paint & plaster, Whenever fate is faced, trials and tribulations will be mastered, And so goes our bodies and souls, What happens after our time on earth, nobody knows.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Excellent Share

catmartan says:

Great Write

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thanks 2b2b2 and catmartan!

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