2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 5
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Secret Desires



Views: 463

Hushed  for  seasoned  sacrifice,

Rationed  in  being  not  quite timed  right

Strong  winded  gusts on oceans  of  emojiis

Wants  seared  into  souls  in  need,  plead

Cutting straight  through  hearts,  that  bleed

She  hopes  for  him,  while  longing  after  love

Begging  off  mirages  that  confuse  whats ‘ lost

Reading  situations  as  ordained  yet  not  believed

Confusing  magic  as simple  parlor  tricks  up  sleeves

Second  thoughts  in  passing  off  eternal  fancies’

Denying  sin  in  lust  but  hopes  for  love  never  leave

Searching  in  and  out  of  fantasy  just  to  find  relief

Promised  a  love  for  consumption and  combustion

Wholly  invested  in  the  asunder  in  love  presumptions,

Arranged  in  the  assumptions  that function in  gumption  to  procreate

Time  yet  2b  perfected,  so  on  the  outskirts  of  town  they  meet……


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catmartan says:

Great Write !

LP45 says:

Yes, very nice my friend!
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Standing Ooo Mr Mayor! Perfection.. Very seasoned artist, my goal is to reach that level someday..
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Ah so it go, Bro. Great write. Peace and Love, M. Lowe

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