tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Views: 380
He lay there watching me... The silk sheets lay over the lower half of him.. He gestures for me to join him.... He smiles... I hold my robe closed..I stood there for while.... His eyes searching mines.... Hesitant, I stepped forward.... "Come here.." He spoke softly... I sat on the edge of the bed, undressing..."No keep it on..." My breathing became heavy... I lay down next to him... Wondering.... Only to bet met by his warm embrace.. His arms wrapped around me tight, I felt safe. "Close your need to worry.. No one can enter this space, I personally keep safe for you" Closing my eyes, now wrapped in his embrace. Drifting off to sleep I felt completely safe.

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after vision says:

my poet, sometimes the best sex is no sex

StarMarie says:

To me sex isn't love. That was love to sleep next to someone wrapped up in them feeling safe. I love doing that

kavindra says:

you weave a story in this poem beautiful

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