KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Sincere intentions



Views: 619

Past decisions and past mistakes, laid the foundation for my words of today,

  Hated my faults, I paused my day, burned some sage, calmed my nerves, made a Dua, recited an ayat , my sins were mysteriously washed away.

Grabbed the remote and God pressed my play, Teach me how to love, show me the way.

Put magical words in my mouth. O God, What should I say?

"I said O God. You have created every living thing in pairs. The sincere, the beautiful, and the pious pair that you have created for me, please give it to me"

He heard, he saw, he bestowed, and he granted, I want a love so sincere that's it's not duplicated anywhere else on this planet.

Her heart I promise I'll manage, any sign of a leak and my heart I'll transplant it, to ensure that none of her other organs will ever become damaged.

I enjoy conversations more than kissing lips, I want to touch her mind before I even grip her hips,

I want us to pray together so that we can unlock spiritual gifts, I want us to be so connected that we're on God's personal WiFi list.

7 bar signals, that metaphysical drift, signifies completion, we'll be moving right along with Aquarius in this paradigm shift.

Being False these days will cause some splits, lets fall in love in the spirit of Truth, that's the only way I'll submit.

I have the substance, but your soul is the "It", I want to smoke this love, get real lit, if we're meant, then God will light this spliff..

       Qadar Dwon'

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kavindra says:

wow . I like how your lines are, correct me if I am wrong, each line is a stanza. Pretty cool! very beautiful

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jcf108 says:

Now this is a True Love Poem - I am nominating for this month's contest! Melted my own heart with your line on managing her heart and any sign of a leak you will give her a transplant! LOVE this imagery!
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amin901 says:

Nice wording and very well thought.Keep expressing.

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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Dope flow!
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mlowe5 says:

It's the Gift from The Most High that you have been poetically blessed with. Write on, my Brother. Peace and Love. Peace and Love, Brother M. Lowe
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Kingqadardwon' says:

I sincerely thank all you wonderful poets! You all are truly an inspiration of mines on my poetic journey in this Western hemisphere...

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