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Michelle Obama's Dilemna


just different

Views: 285

As one of the most visible African-American females on the planet, Michelle Obama is in a very precarious position. 

She is expected to be all things to all people. 

Expected to be friendly without being phony. Mysterious without being aloof.
Accessible without being easy. Transparent without being too obvious. 
Reverent without being a zealot. Selective without being picky. 

Proud without being stubborn. Passionate without being angry. 
Blend in without becoming invisible. Adamant without being dogmatic. 

Conventional without being predictable. Adventurous without being foolhardy. 
Playful without being childish Eccentric without being odd. 
Disciplined without being regimented. 

Edgy without rubbing people the wrong way. Confident without being arrogant. 
Proud without being pretentious. All knowing without being a know-it-all. 

Assertive without being a . Athletic without being butch. 
Deferential without being a doormat. Chaste without being frigid.

Seductive without appearing to be a whore. Hold her liquor without being a lush.
Sober without being a tee-totaler. Dress conservatively without looking dowdy. 

Thrifty without being a cheapskate. A spendthrift without being a money waster. Generous without being a soft touch. Serious without being somber. 

Fun-loving without being a flake. Flexible without being indecisive. Political without being partisan. Think outside the box without leaving her lane.

Pro-black without being anti-white. Young, gifted and black without being childish, entitled or bigoted........

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