TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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Views: 294

We were talking and all of a sudden you decided to give me space

You never said anything

I just randomly asked you did you miss me

 You said yes but you were giving me space

Because I acted a certain way that indicated we needed a break


You could never tell me what I did or said

When I tried to resume the conversation you acted as if you didn’t know what I was talking about

Days go by and you don’t reach out

When I hit you up you act distant

Never giving me more than a few words

We small talk until one stops replying

It’s usually me

Because I feel that you don’t want to speak

When you do have a response it’s usually some sarcastic remark that I rather not hear

In the beginning you were so infatuated with me

Now you don’t see me the same

What has changed

I would ask you

But I know I won’t get an answer or you’ll say some bull like you don’t know

If I did

I wouldn’t ask





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