mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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From Then To Now



Views: 356

From Then To Now

(A Saga of Life Shared)


El Campo—rural ground

in a Nightingale night—

mother’s womb tired of its weighting,

 gave way to God-given gracious creation.

A Baptist interlude—no doubt

a love consummation.

Shiloh gave way to Velasco—

battle won and lost.

To up-root and re-root

eased the pain but not the cost.


A bump on nature’s face

became a citadel Hill;

A Green Oasis—

a lasting monument

to generational survival

of the have, had and have had not;

yet, fulfilled with everything needed.


Exodus came early;

intellectual journeys

into the unknown

chasing jig-saw puzzle

pieces of life.  Searching.

Much was found;

but more to the bearing—

like thunder storms

and hurricanes.  Wilderness

wandering will always have its place.

In due time, juxtaposed

gains and losses

have theirs too—

painting a Janus canvas

challenging chosen realities.



Then came fragments of self

and other’s—offspring  of liberty—

Jingle Bells,  Maundy Thursday

and Easter Eggs.


Time passes and years grow old,

leaving stone and lettered

monuments like semi-colons

or full stops in sentences

paragraphing their twice-told tales

of enchanting looms of life lived.


Following, came the tracing—

foot-steps of Job—a trail

to revelations of tasks

never fathomed in dreams

nor nightmares.

In the followings,

my Abraham made me his Isaac;

 and I met many Jacobs

working their goat-skin magic

on sons of sons.  Promised sons;

given and taken away;

incapable of aping Lazarus.


Kings have queens;

princes have princesses

I—neither king nor prince,

without a crown or kissing frog,

have both.  Precious gifts.


Priceless the journey has been

and continues to be.  Time remains

and so do I—ticking around the clock:

360 degrees—the gentle breeze

blowing and caressing my silver locks.

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Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Wow.. This is brilliant.. Truly amazing brother.. Your gift to hold an audience is truly an ancient craft.. True Griot/Djeli you are. I'll never forget last year when you called me a griot and from that point on my poetic Journey became prolific and legendary.. I appreciate you sir! #Poeticmentor..Peace, love, and blessings.. Congratulations on that Ruby.. It fits you well .
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

My dear Brother Kingqadardwon', it is always inspirational to hear from you. You have always given an attentive ear to the instructive tongue. May your poetic journey continue to be fruitful. Peace and Love, Brother Millard Lowe.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, love_supreme. The Saga is now approaching its octagon year. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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