2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Shades of Gray



Views: 585

I  live  within  Shades  of  Gray
Smoke  colored  mirrors,  
not  easy  to  see  thru  or convey
The  day  is  just  a  daze  of  blues  
against  green  scenes’  purview

Seasons  for  reasons  is  how and  when
  I  determine  to  move  away or  stay
Different  times  are  marked  in  gray 
 or  grey  in sync  delivery,  enlightening

Sort  of  here  but  not  quite  there  always
Black  and  White  light  illuminating  some  way
Emanating as  subtle  hints  in consciousness  at  bay

I  play  within  Shades  of  Gray
Matching  insights  to  outside  themes  in  waves
Combining  spirits  swirling  amongst  friends  and enemies
Breaching  births  or  aborting  curses  in  teaching  verses

Points  of  Blight  are  overstood  by  way  of  remanding
Planning  a  come  up  and  move  beyond  any one  landing
I  live  perpetually  between  such  joy  and  pain  in  sojourn 
Cool(ing)  as  breeze  in  heat  or as  to a  face  flushed  in  replete
Where else  can  grief  find  relief  by  smiles  that  compete?
Upon  this  steed  I  ride  or  more so  am I  in  fact  e-motionally  driven

I  pray  amongst   Shades  of  Gray
Not  always  looking  out  beyond  horizons  that  are  familiar  to  me
Existing  to  return  to  yesterday  that  no  longer  is  possible  2b eventually…
Forgetting  that  a  foot  forward  changes  the  complexion of  anything

Everything  matters  in  finite  singularity  against  the  vastness  of  infinity
Moving  past  the  firmament  that  likens  to  periods  completing  a  sentence
I  am  this  poetry  of  commotion,  resting  along  the  way  on  winds  that  prevail
Knowing  the  value  must  be  determined  by  seeing  between  shadows  that  persist

There  is  no  other  way  to  know  I  truly  exist…….So I  willingly  fight  wars  to  see  peace
Only  to  know  of  war  will  I  be  able  to  necessarily  keep  peace  when  faced  with hostility
Letting  the  supplication  of  heart  define  the  Shades  of  Gray  I’m  destined  to  portray…..


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

There is no other way to know I truly exist…….So I willingly fight wars to see peace My brother this piece is a glow in slow moving world but those lines, right there...that's what I call a slam, damn, dunk.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, why must we always have to fight wars in the name of peace; should it not be that where there is peace war can not abide; or is it that to know peace, we must have had to go to war? May our war of words indeed continue to bring us our pieces of freedom and peace. Peace and Love, my fellow Warrior Poet. Millard Lowe

mrmelody7 says:

Very smooth number one commenttator

poems by this commentor


DubbleDhee says:

We all exist in shades of grey. But some insist on seeing everything as black and white. Well stated. Keep teaching.

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