Li'l Wayne says racism no longer stands
Please recall he's a tool of the man
Promotes bad behavior
Dude's hardly a savior
Could be a white guy with a tan
Know that Weezy's a Useful Negro
To him, Black Queens can only be ho's
Find him without drugs?
Or denouncing black thugs?
You'll have much better luck Finding Nemo
Wayne believes we are Post-Racial
Tho' race relations remain quite glacial
His days are sunny
Because he has money
Never had a billy club facial
(Though it looks like he has)
Weezy is their two-for-one
Kept in the mix for cash and fun
Maintains sales hype
Perpetuates stereotypes
Everyday Blacks get no time in the sun
To Wayne, race is no millennial tool
Like their parents went thru different school
He looks like a goblin
Whites would be scared of him
If they weren't making cash off that fool
But Mr. Weezy is our Useful Negro
He's not your prototypical hero
Whites get paid
Using him like a slave
And his own rep's a big fat zero