WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 175900
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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What's Good PoetryVibe?


just different

Views: 324

What's good PoertyVibe?
Yep, I'm still alive,
And I'm still writing,
My production is down, but I'm still enlightened,
And in the process of moving,
New job, new company, but my quality of life and pay is improving,
Eighth move in 16 years,
Those corporate ladders don't climb themselves, its key to ease your fears,
Change is just things that you find,
Like coins in couch seat cushions that remind,
You of the time when you spent real money,
Like a $20, and got back three quarters and a dime,
Then went home and watched a show,
Over time the change started to roll,
Out of your pocket and into the crack,
Coins join the lint and popcorn seeds deep in the back,
Months later when you discover what you lost when you vac,
-cuum and see the eighty five cents you ain't see since,
The day you paid for some ice cream with a dead president,
And you smile at the memory cuz it made your life richer,
Plus you got some extra coins for your piggy bank, get the picture?

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