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She Knew



Views: 251

Little did she know, she planted the seed of possibility,

while stalking a past filled with humility, Little did she know.

Little did she know, her watered down lies uprooted Truth,

Caught patiently watching the Bloom of youth, Little did she know.

Little did she know, she stood above ground were flowers still grow, 

Although I buried mine several years ago, Little did She know.

Little did she know, her garden grew more than thorns to the eye,

Hopefully she doesn’t see the bad in good bye.. Little did she know

Little did She know, hidden was the fact that I really didn’t know,

knowing the feeling she felt were all for show, Little did She know

Little did She know, as she found our door closed for a reason,

Frozen was a soft heart inside, hard loving out of she confessed the little she did know.

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