richardlopez559 | Poetry Vibe
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Deal With the Devil



Views: 326

Deals with the devil, could it be a blessing for some?

Trying to make a better life by making cheap music

Instead, he watches his parents come from work each day drunk.

He's an only child, not popular in school, and had bad grades

All he wanted was success, took it to the extream one day.

Just to prove it, he knocked at hells door, he just wanted  help

He had no skill on the mic, plus no job, so that meant he was poor

Nobody understood how this character felt

He asked around, and the devil made an appearance himself

Filled this persons empty head with spotlights and roaring crowds at concert shows

Even a half hour special on how came up selling dope and blow and helped a small town develope and grow

He thought that was dope, he signed the deal....

All he really need...was support and Hope.



...If u liked it, tell me and ill make a continuation of this story.



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