DubbleDhee | Poetry Vibe
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North Carolina is the New South Africa


just different

Views: 280

North Carolina is the new South Africa
You would think it wasn't America
Fewer early vote ops
Sunday polls stopped
Easier to understand Chewbacca

The state is engaged in point-shaving
Keeps you distracted with all the flag waving
Repub-led state boards
Screwed us like whores
Want to take us back to days of slaving

Repubs can't expand their tent
Voter laws left minorities bent
They claim it saves cash
Spent 5 mil defending this trash
Hate Obama made really big dent

NC will pay a Stupidity Tax
ACC knocked them on their back
No title games
Repubs takes the blame
Business owners will take a sack

Carolina cash flies away like a bird
Their Lawmakers? We have no words
NC loss - others gain 
A fart from the brain
Legislative body just laid a big turd

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