Flint pastor broke into Trump's speech
It was deemed to be overreach
Her people aren't fodder
The focus is water
Don't need a political leech
Trump called Flint pastor "Nervous Mess"
The man's in real need of redress
Has a lot to answer for
Peeps should've showed him the door
But the pastor told them to de-stress
This was supposed to be Black Outreach
Flint became a moment to teach
Pastor extended trust
Trump tossed her under the bus
Stranded her like a whale on the beach
Some say the pastor should have known
Mexico showed us to leave Trump alone
Their POTUS made eye contact
Trump stabbed him right in the back
Mexican President got hisowned
Flint surely did better than Detroit
They did not allow Trump to exploit
Water supply was dire
Held his feet to the fire
All they want is help being employed