Imagination_733 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 216


There are men that make babies and leave

The mother left with the weight of the world

Children to care for

What would you do?

There are women just as shamed

Leaving their husbands

To take the blame

They feel the need to regain power

In all the wrong ways


The children have to pay

On account of all those open legs 

The mathematical potion to poverty

There’s not enough food to feed


We breed

Spread our seeds throughout the earth

Set our flags upon the dirt

Willing to cut the throats of our neighbors


Whichever way you choose to see

The picture is painted perfectly


Fists punch to put holes in walls

The journey seems too long

So easily we fall



I dissect the world with peripherals

Never hesitating to separate the diamonds From pearls

People like pleasures

People like rain

We fall

We conquer

Hopefully we pray


Why turn on the TV?

It's just more bad news

People killing people

Genocides and suicides

My mind separates the doom


Centuries have built tombs 

Over the architect I call this room

Just to be bulldozed for profit

The government needs to stop this!


Feminism doesn't mean voting for a woman President

But shout out to Clinton

Though I need not dismiss men as leaders

That opinion coming from a woman 

So much deeper


Democrat does not equal democracy

How can we dwell accordingly 

Without the belief 

In justice and being free?

Show me your liberty!


The year 2016 has brought out the celebrity 

Within the political game

“A man VS a women”

Is that all we have to say?

My individualist urges me to search outside of the box


I represent 

Whole belief

In the thought of making peace


War never did

Strengthen our world


I support the troops

My father lives to tell the truth


My patriarch no longer stands alone

America monopolized the thought of home


In order to make a difference

We have to show


That we care enough about our future

To get out there and vote! 


Written by: Desir'ee Chavez


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