WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Freestyle's my only charity besides the March of Dimes



Views: 327

I write rhymes for the good of all kinds,
Freestyle's my only charity besides the March of Dimes,
Sucker MC's displease me when,
They rhyme about stuff I can't afford and disrespect our women, 
To tell the truth, it didn’t bother me much in my youth,
Then I became a father and got some shocking proof,
We gotta ban wackness and misogyny from our music,
When my daughter 1st heard the word on the radio, I started to lose it!
"What's a &!+(#, daddy?" my 4 year old asked to my surprise,
I turned down the car's radio, looked in the rearview mirror as I slowly replied,
“It is a very bad word that should never be used,”
She heard me but was still wiggling in her seat and nodding her head to the groove,
The bass was booming and the hook was cool,
I can't control morning radio, but I still felt like a fool,
I didn't even notice or hear it, until she asked the question,
Stick to Kids Bop music, I guess that’s the lesson.

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