SoulofSeven | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 341
For him.... For him you are blind as if a veil sewn from unbreakable threads of deceit has been cast over your eyes Your lacking direction your broken body,soul,mind for him you pawned your heart in exchange for fleeting feelings and passing pleasures holding onto moments in which it appeared you were important it appeared that you were more than mere..moans...and breaths uncontrolled and a few seconds of heaven now your self you are second guessing cuz for him the truth of your souls arrested for him you've lost liberation staring deep in mirrors with doubt unrecognizably contemplating your physical anatomys compilation for him you were never good enough your only reaching for his shallow standard life out of control,reaching for a handle reaching just to manage who you are ..and who you've become for him ....cause of him you've done things ,you never done .. .for him out of what you thought was love for him the flower that is your essence has lost its beautiful extremities inching towards lifelessness bearing its beaten and weathered being for all to observe barley enduring this pain that strains your very roots and the health of your soul those around you mourn as they witness the worth of you wither within this winding roller coaster that your emotions are enclosed in for him you are hopeless your only hope is ..healing wounds that are still open physically,mentally, emotionally daily its haunting me ... he claimed he would never use such an aggressive touch on me now I'm battered but for him it doesn't matter it is love I will settle and accept all of the above for him this pain is my secret sacrificing my sanity for sex selling my serenity for acceptance from him for him I've given all that I am and will ever be but as I grow to wonder and understand what has he done for me?

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