mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


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I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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Crooks This is A Stick Up



Views: 598

Crooks come in many forms

they are called by different names

The biggest crooks of them all

are those buildings called banks

Robbing you blind taken you to the bank

Pitiful interest they pay for savings

while charging such high interest

on credit cards they are so brazen

Use the ATM whose hand on the

other end charging

for getting your own money

then there are fees added if you use

the ATM more then a certain amount

Getting your money is what these

crooks are all about

they use your money to in vest in land

precious metals gold and silver

as you look at your monthly

bank statement and quiver

There is nothing you can do

cause every which way you get screwed

Old school got my mason jar

bury my cash beneath the dirt

it surly can not hurt

The news always speaks of scams

the banks are one of them


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The Immortal Wize says:


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after vision says:

my poet, for years I took my money out of the banks. you are screaming truth on them

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mrmelody7 says:

Thank you Wize Dom

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mrmelody7 says:

thank you after vision they just terrible

LP45 says:

Truer words could've never been spoken. I can definitely relate to this. Thanks for sharing. Could you imagine what would happen if everyone followed suit? The banks would be no more. LOL!

mrmelody7 says:

Ladypoet45 forgive me for reversing your name I remember the conn transportation went on strike for 2 months folks had to find other ways to get to work and around when they return they had low ridership and they had specials for weeks where as the price was like 50 cents they dropped it to 25 cents for weeks in order to get riders back thank you

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Charles2 says:

#1 scam(Taxes/Land/Politics/Governance and other parlor tricks/Prison). #2 scam(The money game)Why not number one/because number One is the set up. Number 2 is the gun

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love_supreme says:

I like this poem.

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