happy birthday Crystal
I got you the pistol
hope you don't miss.. tho
here's your cake
blow out the candles
let me give you a hand
help you plate it
you're 16 now, glad you made it
this far, now you get a car
do you know, you're a star
an Indigo, you shine like gold
don't be lazy, quick to have babies
that boy might have rabies
you're just a baby yourself
concentrate on your wealth
you don't have to, follow
in your mamas, footsteps
believe me, it's not safe
concrete, jus saying
its not a safe, walkway
don't want you to fall
build a strong wall
like you built a bear
remember when
it got, thrown on the roof
its still up there, stand tall
stable enough not to fall
if you need help, if anybody
hurts you, call me instead
I'm not stable in the head
I don't need a reason
it don't have to be, hunting season
too old to fight
I can sit in, prison
for the rest of my life
coz, all I do is write