Lovelylady1 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 384

My hands are shaky, my heart is pounding at an astounding beat.
My knees are wobbly, my palms are sweaty, all I had was a tweak!
I'm absent minded! I can't see straight!
This damn craving is controlling me!
I gotta have! My body needs it! One more hit I'll be complete!
This addiction is taking over me! I FEAR I'M FALLING IN TOO DEEP!
I can't be without it gotta have it before I sleep!
It's in my system, it feels so good! a levitation beyond measure.
How can an addiction feel so right? How can it bring me so much pleasure?
I'm feeling weak! It's hard to breath! I need a hit again!
I gottt have it! Can't be without it! My drug of choice...Men! Men! Men!

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after vision says:

my poet and queen, i have the same in reverse women women women
Contest Winner  

Lovelylady1 says:

My king, I'm not surprised.... I think you own the man version of my heart or I the woman's version of yours! Lol!

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