AmberRaeven | Poetry Vibe
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When Words Are Hard



Views: 430

When words are hard

When words are hard and relative of the past and the scars

When they leave your sentence bleeding,

And your mind is confused, an misinterpreted meaning

When words can cut:

So you reply with a first sigh, and or, and a but;

When words are hard because you know they possibly won't mean much.

When words are hard;

Because your looking for someone to comprehend...

You're looking for validity, when that's really found within.

When words are hard

The questioning starts:

Can he really feel what I mean?

Or Does he need some help

When words are hard...

Have confidence in you...

Because if he can't understand you,

It was never felt.

It was never true.

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Contest Winner  

Lovelylady1 says:

Some words are the hardest to say; pen up on shining a light on why beloved!

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after vision says:

my poet hard words hit, then get the attention and then they leave a mark upon our lives

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

The words, the wounds, the war that leaves the scars that no one really see's. this piece says so many things but I will keep private, what it spoke to me...Awesome!!!

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