after vision | Poetry Vibe
after vision
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Time was not kind



Views: 603

when i think about the times

we shared - me and you

time was not kind

when it comes to me and you


now i see that hearts

can dance and not sink

hearts can tie up

causing the mind to believe - what it thinks


vision wakes the sleep

only to put it back to bed

hats tell the story

only of the hat - upon the head


i know the love

issued only once to your world

i know the boy toys

used by the girls


i have accepted the gain

lost - all by you

open your eyes - be filled

play it forward - be true


such is, such now - just show me

season the food to my taste

what we had - has harvested

flavor has come from waste


time was not kind

to the two of us

one in car

one on bus


after vision aka charles garner


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Whoa!!! This is too many things. ..

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Contest Winner  

Lovelylady1 says:

Yes, my king... Time never give us enough to complete our hears desire.
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Indeed, time is cold and indifferent, so we must take advantage. Enjoyed this read says:

Insightful and in its simplicity, easily felt by those who you shared with! says:

Insightful and in its simplicity, easily felt by those who you shared with!

mrmelody7 says:

Some very enchanting words riddled through this thoughtful creative write

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