tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Views: 485

Forced to love you when your not here,

how can that be fair?

Forced to feel emotions we once shared...

Forced to lay in the same bed that lay empty,

Forced to take in  your scent, while I hug what use to be your pillow,

laying next to me.

Time and time again, tears greet me to sleep, after I slide my hands aganist the empty sheets.

I know you wouldn't want me in this state....

angry, full of hate for the one who took you from me....

I can see you now.....

Holding my hands....


telling me " Let go, your better than that"....

Forgiveness is what you'd want, but

I can't unless that would bring you back.

I  only  have words of peace, Questions and uncontrollable grief...

I think of you each and every day....

I will never stop, no matter the year and time.

in my thought I will never leave you behind, 

you will already remain near.



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love_supreme says:

Very nice. Excellent write.

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The Immortal Wize says:

Very Awesome, good to see you tretrue you always bring the heat.

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after vision says:

my poet, forced love and rewards never match. stay with love that calls and commands your respect
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2b2b2 says:

Heartfelt Work....thanks for sharing....ONE

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