Lovelylady1 | Poetry Vibe
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I Anticipate


first love

Views: 599

I anticipate, the greatest love of my life!
an emotional high; so high that it levitates beyond
the heavens.
I anticipate, love out of control! A love that will
shake my very soul... it's my craving.
I anticipate, the kind of love you may not understand if never experienced love within my anticipated capacity.
I anticipate, pain of a great magnitude because of love of a great magnitude.
I anticipate, the kind of love you read about in books, you see on TV or in movies.
I anticipate, the kind love that songs are written about with lyrics the lonely cry over.
I anticipate the "why's"... why doe it hurt so bad? Why did I become so weak? Why did I let love consume me?
I want... I need... I anticitpate... YOU.

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after vision says:

my poet, this was so well delivered and so deeply devoted to love finding love

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Lovelylady1 says:

Thank you my king... I know its out there and some day...

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