Lovelylady1 | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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One Wish



Views: 466

In a World filled with lies, deceit, infidelity, adultery, hatred, broken promises, lonely nights and hopes deferred, it does my heart good to see couples who have been together for YEARS still loving each other as if it were a new love.
If I had only one wish it would be that husbands love there wives with a committed heart or wives love, honor and respect your husbands or maybe people have compassion for society, show consideration to a stranger or perhaps, villages work together to raise a child. When the heart is filled with these attributes productivity is ASTRONOMICAL!
Because I would only have one wish I would combine all these "one wishes" and call it "The Economic Revive-zation of Love!
Yeah, I like that!

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TimChronicle says:

Bring more of that please!

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lovelylady1 says:

Yes, maybe I should be elected to run for president lol! thank you my king!

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Trou8l3 says:

well alright !!!

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