Lovelylady1 | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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Views: 572

How do I walk away when the music is gone?
Do I dance his dance or do I dance alone?
How do I dance to lyric’s of trust, respect, and
love un-condition when the rhythm of his moves
display love contradiction?
How do I match his sway?
How do I keep his beat when my heart is feeling heavy and my soul cry’s defeat!
If trickery is in his moves and deception is
In his sway, do I dance his dance or do a dance
my way?
I’ll dance a dance of honest; I’ll sway and move
My dance will be of VICTORY for a black woman STRONG!

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blakkbeauty says:

👏👏👏loving this your a very good writer,

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TimChronicle says:

Yes my Queen; we have to get back to loving on one another positively.

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social seer says:

Reminded me in a way of some of Donna Summer's songs.

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Contest Winner  

lovelylady1 says:

My beloved, thank you so much; I see by your writing you feel what I'm saying; my kings, thank you, I'm glad you understand
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:


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after vision says:

my poet and queen, i love the way that you danced around all that reads hearts. super nice was the steps in rhythm

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Contest Winner  

lovelylady1 says:

Thank you my kings. It takes strength to walk off the dance floor and do whats right

mrmelody7 says:

Dance fever poetry in motion vivid imagery you captured it all with flair and a rhythmic swagger
Contest Winner  

Lovelylady1 says:

Thank you my king!

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