Drunken words from a heart broken poet. DAAAAAAAANMMMMM! I'm human just like you! I hope like you too. I love the same as you, I hurt like you too! Why is it that, the pain that you feel is the pain that you inflict too? |
Constantly Waiting Dear Love, I don't know where to start; I don't know how to begin.
It seems like every time I open my heart to love, my Love Story fast
forwards to the end.
I didn't know who to trust with my passion then I met someone whom
I thought could.
He matched my fire with fire; my desire with desire: love me and leave me? Something he never would. Then he did.
Now, my heart feels like it's died a thousand deaths in one day!
His actions told all that was needed - he left without a word to say.
Dear Love, you told me to be patient, stay ready, and never give up,
the right man for me is out here searching too.
But I'm getting weary, my heart is lonely... at this point I'm ready to
be through!
I want to say "Fuc you, Love!" but I know it's not how I feel.
I'm just hurting and I'm frustrated ---- Constantly waiting  |
The Pretty The Pretty
The Pretty…. Coca smooth complexion, curvaceous body, radiant is her smile. A lady’s grace, a diva’s walk, fashionable is her style.
The Pretty…Knows the single side of life is not a game: many times it can get rough.
Without love, trust, and understanding; pretty is what pretty does, often time is not enough.
The Pretty… loving and caring with a faithfulness that flows from sea to sea.
Contrary to most beliefs; The Pretty knows her true beauty run skin deep.
The Pretty, showers him with affection. For her lover she’ll give all she can.
Yeeeees honeeeey…The Pretty always get the attention.
However, The Pretty doesn’t always get the man.
A Womanless Man Hey Ex-Lover,
I have something to say to you but I don’t know where to start.
I’m seeing life much differently…the condition of my heart.
Your actions told of another woman, I’ll give you credit, you didn’t lie.
I was wondering was it a lack of concern or respect for me, the reason
you didn’t even try?
All my love I gave to you but she always came first and I was last.
You knew she had other men, still you treated her like diamonds, me?… you treated like glass.
Its time I moved on, I’ve taken all that I can. You claim to be done
with her, you choose me. Now, here you are… A Womanless Man.
You say I mean something to you…without me what will you do?
My new lover says I’m not his something, I’m his everything and…
He treats me like diamonds too.
Sher... |
Dear Lord Dear Lord,
Thank you for your precious blood that covers our family and friends.
Thank you for protecting us against harmful elements in this World that seek to claim or lives.
Thank you for our un-answered prayers (You know wants best for us).
Lord, we thank you for waking us this morning with the physical and
mental ability to go through our day.
Although there are times when we choose roads not designed for us
you are with us.
As we live day by day we learn of friends and family members who are no longer with us. Help us to recognize that no matter what we are going through by your grace we are STILL here.
Our jobs may not be ideal but, we are employed.
We may not have the best of clothes but, we are clothed.
We may not have the fancy meals but, we are feed.
My Lord Jehovah, I know there are times when we do things that are disappointing to you. Things that m... |
The Essence of My Heart Sometimes in my life I face pains too hard to bare. I put my thoughts on paper in a form that I can share.
Although my mind is strong, at times it can get weak. When thought are too hard to verbalize with pen and paper have I learned to speak.
Of rivers too wide to swim and mountains too high to climb. My pains, my disappointments, my joys… in due time.
My future may looked hazy and too complicated to define. But victory is always present in the recess of my mind.
To understand my nature, an enigma at start is to finger through my pages, The Essence of My Heart.
The Fire Bell Sometimes I feel like...
I am ringing the fire bell but no one is responding to the sound for help. No matter how hard or how fast I ring the fire bell, people without a care slowly walk by. Firefighters are not called to put out the fire. Passer by's don't stop to look in my directon, they don't even wonder why am I ringing the fire bell. At some point I have to give up and walk away or be consumed by the flames.
Moral - Sometimes you have to let it burn.
A Lonely Heart a lonely heart will cause the mind to wander...
Wander to the past: The significants and truthes...some of pain, some of pleasure; all a part of paying life's dues.
Wander to the future: Of "What if's" and happy dreams. To secure a passion, a desire, a great love that doesn't seem.
Wander to the present: Of mis-trust, mind games and secrets thoughts in the dark. Of trickery and deceitfulness, that brought about a lonely heart.
Dear Daddy Dear Daddy,
How do I say "I'm sorry" to someome no longer here?
For going out and doing the one thing you often feared.
How do I say "Thank you" to someome who had to sleep?
For loving me through all those times this world had made me weak.
How do I say "I need you" to someone whose gone above?
An awesome man you are to me, the first I ever loved.
How do I say "Forgive me" now that you're gone away?
I guess I'll save them in my heart my heart til we meet again some day.
I love you daddy, Cookie
Dear Momma (the baby boy) this poem was written to me by my son years ago while he was away on deployment.
Dear Momma
When I was younger I never thought I'd leave
but, I had to get up, get out and follow my
I know it's scary to see your baby boy out
on his own. Don't worry mama I'ma make it,
you raised me to be strong!
You nurished my mind and worked on my heart,
it's your blood in my veins so not even death
could break us apart!
You disciplined me to always handle business.
I hope you're not proud of me yet mama, I'm
not even finished!
I came a long way but I got so far to go.
So I hurdle over my goals like bars set low.
Running to success with my head in the clouds
with one goal on my mind...to make my mama proud! |