Lovelylady1 | Poetry Vibe
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One Of These Days...



Views: 644

Lady's, if he's loving him and you're loving him...who's loving you? 

                           One Of These Days...

One of these days you’re going to look back on all the times you played me; always out there running game.

You’ll think back on those times of deceiving me and hold your head down in shame.

One of these days you’ll have a mental playback of  the loving woman who you made cry and it will fill your heart with regret. 

You’ll see my busted pride and  wounded spirit wonder why I haven’t left you yet.

One of these days you’ll remember my smile and laughter, then you’ll remember your foolish acts to set me free.

You’ll breakdown crying, realizing just how much you really love me.

One of these days you’ll wish for another “One more chance” but that day will never be.

Because one of these days…  Not too far off… I’m going to  learn to love me.

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social seer says:

My Cleopatra, who you're addressing at the beginning is somewhat vague. Perhaps better transition between that and the main address to the male culprit will fix it.
Contest Winner  

Lovelylady1 says:

Yeah, I thought the same thing after I submitted it but the site frooze on me and I couldn't get back in to edit. Thank you my dear king! I'll try again

after vision says:

the journey of the heart bleeds and pushes blood my poet. I feel the pens struggle

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Elvan says:

A powerful message of learning to discover self-love before you are lost too deeply in a self-loathing relationship. Beautiful flow heartwarming delivery. Peace

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