Imagination_733 | Poetry Vibe
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Some things will never change



Views: 588


Some things will never change

The way each of us continue to stay in the race

That this world put out against us

That won't change because the change in our cup isn’t enough

To feed us let alone our families 

So we take what we can

To make ends

Except we always end up in the same predicament

Constantly complaining about our problems and blaming it on the Government

Either way we have to learn to educate ourselves

Not through wealth but through experiences

I know that knowledge can't be bought

Instead we rot our minds with the vine that spoils the seed

Turning most good people into worse beings

Some things never change.

The needs of the people remain the same

Back to basics now.

Basically we need our big screen TV's to show us how to live

Amazingly the PSPS are still in demand

Technology the upper hand for the consumer

So consumed

He forgot about dinner

So here we stand

Tired fat and ready for bed

We don’t give a s***

Some things will never change

Like old age

The coming of the wise

Picked from the pines of evergreen

Opposition to guns-

Used as a scare tactic within our nation

This country apparently founded on religious war relations

Still we ignore the fact that we need protection

Yet some don’t believe in weapons

There wouldn’t be second guessing if the tables were turned

Stop using race bait and teenage angst 

To create lies 

Remember we must fight to stay alive

Some things will never change

Prejudice within each group


Swearing to shoot any president

Who comes along with dark skin

Some things will never change


Women are still fighting for their 'right' to kill a child

But protesting against having to fight in war

Men remain sexist

Unwilling to rest their eyes anywhere but on a woman’s mid-section

For some things will never change

Justice never liberated entirely

Because it’s entirety is too difficult to grasp

But we show up to that trial as a 12th member

To show hope that it will last


There have been

And will always be

The poor with their right to be fed

The rich with their belief that poverty is a bed that most hungry men make for themselves

Some things will never change

The sub-cultures like cults

Dragging the inner suburban children out from despair

Some things will never change

Religious banners 

When you pass you read: 

We seek thee for thy kingdom of Jesus is near.

People aren’t willing to believe in God

But they can believe in the gossip they hear

Some things will never change

The fine design of modern American culture

Porn- the expressive exposure to something we dare to call art

Strippers make more than teachers

Sex sales

It gets deeper

Some things will never change

We still prefer one boob over half a brain

There’s no escape

No change of date

No time warp to eliminate

No great debate 

Or prophesy

Telling you or telling me

The way that it will always be

Because some things never change


Written by: Dez Sevena




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