to young ebony hued griots of today
today’s true timed
poets—griots of the times,
you must write because
chosen and gifted to do so
not to compete
one with another—
but inking words together
scripting othello hued echoes
completing the truth of our-story
his-story chose to delete
amplify the griots of old
who praised our phenomenal
queens—never using tainted words
that echoed the obscene
you young yearning poets
must be today’s story tellers
of our-story’s grand completion
be not drawn to mimicking
controlled creative competition
keep it forever real—your soul
let no one or anything ever steal
let not your pregnant poetic mind
be aborted by competitive greed
let not your words be hollowed
by the imprisoning judgment of others
let your words be hallowed
by your free and conscientious
spirit and creative self perspective
dropping rain always remain true to its nature
let your inked words likewise remain true to yours.