after vision | Poetry Vibe
after vision
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Views: 814

how can you sleep

when my heart is wide awake

when next to you is empty

with me laying there


how can you not see

what is blocking my view

why can't you feel

my love dying for you


morning will find me

stuffing the bags under my eyes

while you dress and leave

bright and early - you swim with the so called wise


why can't pain rain on you

of the world that we no longer share

how can we share the same bed

and neither one of us are there


sleep - i watch and hear you

wishing my heart would let me fake emotions

wishing that i could reverse times

and offer you my devotion


sleep in my awakeness

but know that time is not a friend of ours

maybe then you will run for us

after i have long passed our finish line


after vision aka charles garner


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mrmelody7 says:

after vision I suppose this is one of those relationships you do nice work with these type of writes while I would just prefer just a good night sleep

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mlowe5 says:

after vision, how well you have captured the waking hours of so many Brothers who by necessity has had to reach the awakening finishing line first. Often, that "sleep" is escape to the "freedom" that still seems so far away. The majority of the "sleeper"---I want to believe---continue to struggle in that "sleep". This I know. Despite it all---dept of mind---dept of emotions---"we still together!" Write on my Brother. Peace and Love, mlowe5. N.B. Time and perseverance accomplish all things (an after thought).
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The Immortal Wize says:

Awesome, my brother...Awesome!
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lovelylady1 says:

Uh-oooooh...I think I have stumbled into The "Men Only" club again!!!! Reading reply's from men who can relate, I now know that I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep... even though he sure snored like he could! Thank you my dear king for pulling on my heart string through your ink!

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after vision says:

thanks mr melody for understanding with me on this

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after vision says:

thanks mlowe5 you have shared the same vision I see

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after vision says:

Wize Dom - I thank you my brother for absorbing the words

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after vision says:

lovely lady you continue to inspire and uplift my pen and for that I say thanks

LP45 says:

Aftervision, your flow an word play in this piece are incredible. I enjoyed reading this.

minayaJ says:

Mister AV...Nicely nicely written. Now I know I am not alone

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JustOneStoryTeller says:

Nice Poetic I so understand the lack of sleep while others are deep in it lol
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gmcgee325 says:

Another brilliant write ❤️

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love_supreme says:

Very nice!

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