Lovelylady1 | Poetry Vibe
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Stimulate me



Views: 584

As I glanced around me at the men in the room
all I saw was my impending doom!
Some approached with the same tired azz line.
They stimulated my gag reflex… but not my mind.
If only they knew how to get real women like me, perhaps they would learn to approach us differently.
You see baby, “Real Women” need “Real Talk” excite all of our senses. Show us that you’re not just one dimension.

Stroke our mind, caress our soul. Share with us your aspirations, tell us about your goals.
We need a man to be a man, come on boo approach me.  Hold our door open, pay for our dinner, show some chivalry.
Converse on all topics, lets discuss the news.
Stimulate me baby; it’s what I NEED you to do!
Don’t be like the other guys spittin their sad azz
rhyme. No real game! No real Swagga! Just a waste of
our damn time!

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social seer says:

You're one of the most honest poets on this site. Always enlightening to read you.

love_supreme says:

I can definitely FEEL this poem. Excellent write.

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amin901 says:

Nice Poem

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Lovelylady1 says:

Thank you so much for all of your kind and encouraging words! Social Seer, thank you for saying that! 😘

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WarriorCarryingWater says:


after vision says:

Lovely lady the truth say-er I feel you on this we as men think some rehearsed line will do us fine but it is the exchange of heart and mind that feeds heart and mind, nothing else. don't just tell me your favorite color, tell me why it is your fav color and I will never forget it. I need my brain to be fed and hope that I am feeding someone else brain at the same time.

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lovelylady1 says:

My dear king, "The truth say-er" I like it! The best pick up line for most of us is "The Real"... Im really guffy so, when they come at me with their rehearsed line I instinctively laugh! The Real will get my number every time - the conversation after will determine if his name will get changed in my contact to "DNR" (Do Not Reply) and blocked. Also... heads up, I'm currently working on my next poem with you in mind "I am she/The Clean Up Woman". a warning to woman about who's out here waiting.

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after vision says:

come on clean up woman

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lovelylady1 says:

My dear king nosajm thank you so much for always being so kind

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