WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Love Long Distance


long distance

Views: 419

Love long distance,
Late nights & early mornings reminiscing,
Lonely, really just miss my homie and my kid,
Wondering if your day was good and what you both did,
After school, work, play, meals, chores, and more,
In exchange for your absence, gas and snores I'd gladly endure ;),
So I call and video chat to get the latest stories and news,
Glimpses in minutes instead of hours, precious moments we lose,
Hope to see you both very soon,
To describe time & distance away from my family, I could write a tome.

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after vision says:

my poet, I have been in a few long distance relationships myself. it takes two hearts beating as one

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The Immortal Wize says:

It's the same as being alone, longing for another to be by your side. Very nice poem!!! very inspiring

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kavindra says:

I can completely relate thank you for sharing

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Queensskyy says:

Words from the heart and it shows. Beautifully written.

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