WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Time travel


just different

Views: 330

In Panama years ago I got lost in a rush,
They say if you travel far enough,
You will eventually find yourself and other stuff,
When I met old boy in an alley, it was rough,
Two of me in one place was bad for my health,
Nothing can prepare you for meeting yourself,
I walked up to him shocked and surprised,
He spit on the ground and punched me dead in my eye,
Bigger, stronger, meaner and fast,
I could not stop me from whooping my a$$!
He beat me like I stole his life,
Begging him to stop, I caught another right,
In rage, I picked up a pipe,
And wacked that ni@@a's side with all my might,
As he fell, I said Highlander b!+€#, there can only be one!
He laughed the asked, are you done?
Confused I mused where did you come from?
He replied holding his side, all over same as you,
Sorry, want to get some food, I don't know what to do?
H€!! no, I think you broke my ribs,
We don't have a lot of time, let me tell you what you did,
I'm from the future, this is about our kid,
So why did you attack me?
November 8, 2018, meet me at the big tree,
In the morning in the back of your parent's back yard at 7:33,
Come alone and bring some money,
How much, why and what for?
Ahhh!  Do you want me to hit you some more?
Can't you send me a letter or email with all this?
I did, but it never works, with the notes & lists,
I'm fading back, quick take my shirt...

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