WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Good Love



Views: 288

I must have been real good,
You knocked my block like some tree wood,
Guessing but wasn't expecting and glad that you could,
Conflicted, explicit, hope you don't stop but kinda wishin' you would,
What I'm tryna say is it feels real good,
But I deserve this service, far from nervous,
Senses overloaded while I squeeze and curve this,
Temple of yours, architecture's divine,
Mystic/animalistic hypnotized by the twist of your spine,
Private Peep shows no holds bar from your sum, 
The rhythm I'm given is like percussion from a drum,
So close our hearts beat like feet on the run,
You're left & I'm right, down roads so long our legs become numb,
Through peaks and plateaus whilst our bodies glow in the moonlight above,
And finally explode in the power and glory of love.

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Queensskyy says:

Vibrant read!

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