Lovelylady1 | Poetry Vibe
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A Lonely Heart



Views: 562

a lonely heart will cause the mind to wander...

Wander to the past: The significants and truthes...some of pain, some of pleasure; all a part of paying life's dues.

Wander to the future: Of "What if's" and happy dreams. To secure a passion, a desire, a great love that doesn't seem.

Wander to the present: Of mis-trust, mind games and secrets thoughts in the dark. Of trickery and deceitfulness, that brought about a lonely heart.

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social seer says:

Something is missing here. Reads too general. Needs a personal illustration of you or someone else.
Contest Winner  

Lovelylady1 says:

Thank you my king.... You are right, it was written without generalization. You know my ink so well!

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