Lovelylady1 | Poetry Vibe
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The Fire Bell



Views: 648

Sometimes I feel like...

I am ringing the fire bell but no one is responding to the sound for help. No matter how hard or how fast I ring the fire bell, people without a care slowly walk by. Firefighters are not called to put out the fire. Passer by's don't stop to look in my directon, they don't even wonder why am I ringing the fire bell. At some point I have to give up and walk away or be consumed by the flames.

Moral - Sometimes you have to let it burn.

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social seer says:

Interesting imagery, my beautiful alarmist!
Contest Winner  

Lovelylady1 says:

Can be seen in different perspectives! Thank you my king for always being there for my ink!

after vision says:

4 alarm fire to watch the hearts desire my poet
Contest Winner  

Lovelylady1 says:

My dear king, you already know.... Thank you!

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